Dealing with irrational behaviour

You cannot rationalize with an irrational person. You'll simply frustrate yourself if you try.

At some point, enough people will make offers in the 'appropriate' price range, and the seller will either come to his senses or not. It's a matter of luck whether you're the one in the queue when he reaches that point.

I've had luck trying to keep emotion out of it on my end. Make your offer, present your data along with it if you like, and let them know that you'll still be around should they fail to get their asking price. I've had some luck with this approach.

Psychologists have recognized and documented this behavior; they call it "The Endowment Effect." I think my CD player is more valuable than yours, because it is mine. See "The Undoing Project" by Michael Lewis or "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman.

mr_light is right on about market pricing for this gear.

Besides, the emotional nexus between music and gear is visible all across this forum.
Undoing project was an interesting read.
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