Hot Sauce - My sick addiction

Been there done that it was lets say memorable.I bought some bacon recently that was called sweet ghost pepper bacon.Was really good and not too hot but your knew it was there.Made great bacon and tomato sandwiches.
I have a box of latex gloves just for that. If you are deseeding them in the sink, don't use hot water. Learned that quick. The steam is like mase.
Until quite recently, I used the same hot sauce for 30 years.
It's a carrot/habenero sauce made in Belize, which during that time has been sold under two different brand names.
I'm hoping it pops again under a third brand....soon.
I'm a bit lost without it.

Currently, I'm making do with El Yucateco Kutbil-ik. It at least provides some heat if not a great deal of flavor.
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