how to edit a conversation?

We used to be able to but not anymore, your stuck with it. This way members can't change what they say in privit if there is ever a problem.

Now if you just started it and want to redo before a reply you can alway "Leave Conversation" this stops it and sorta deletes it to that member and you. Before doing so copy what you posted and start a new message then edit before you repost it.
Why is there an ""edit conversation''' then if it cannot be used.
they should fix it or delete it.

If your seeing a edit link button in your conversation post it must be old and didn't get removed off your privileges. When we changed the format to the new site we had editing there but they changed the privileges around and took it away from everyone, I'm a subscriber and have more editing options than you do because of that, I can't edit or see an edit option in Conversations.
yes I do Frannie. when there s nothing I can do to make any difference.
All I can do is accept what is .
the answers given were acceptable but when it gets into ''all you gotta do is""..........
Hey I am old and can do or say whatever the h.. I please. I have earned the right.
No one else is going to speak in my behalf so I have to do it for myself.
Sorry for the rant. I think
Except the part where someone was trying to explain it to you and your answer was not nice.

Hey be how you want to be. Its a free forum where I guess we can talk to members any way we want.
living up to your sub-title are you 4-2-7.?

Your "whatever" answer was being a "Smart Ass"

Take your frustration with how things are here out on someone who cares. Not members who are just trying to be helpful.
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Aside love, its power to nourish a soul is immense. Call it a powerful soul food if you wish. It's very palatable.

This post is provided for your consideration at no extra charge.

Edited to add: I highly doubt anyone would complain if the gift was returned.
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yes I do Frannie. when there s nothing I can do to make any difference.
All I can do is accept what is .
the answers given were acceptable but when it gets into ''all you gotta do is""..........
Hey I am old and can do or say whatever the h.. I please. I have earned the right.
No one else is going to speak in my behalf so I have to do it for myself.
Sorry for the rant. I think
You asked the questions and started a thread and treat members like shit when they try to help you, sorry, no age has nothing to do with having a bad attitude and disrespecting other member after they try to help you. Grow up and quit stomping around when you don't get your way.
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