Led conversion issue

Put in nine Philips 1895 bulbs which are sold at automotive parts stores. The only 12v leds which are left is the one I installed for the orange dial and the stereo light. Looks way better in ny opinion.

Sure does look Right now. I just don't understand the LED craziness. Looking to avoid having to replace the lamps again? Well the first set lasted 35 years. How much longer you gonna keep that unit is my question to those that insist on LEDs and the overly bright harsh look of them. But with the right work done they can look ok. but if the original bulbs are available...why not go original?

Looks good, now.
Once you do it properly, you'll ask, why so simple and really stupid to get these things to work.
I had the same revelation incorporating dozens of LED's to a HO model train layout for our RR museum in town. As a volunteer.
Right now I could do it blind folded. I ordered really cheap LED's from the bay. Clear, frosted, colors, multi colors, and others I got.
And they all worked. Other volunteers thought I was Superman. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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