Mifune: The Last Samurai A wonderful Biographical Documentary


AK Subscriber
Just watched very good documentary about the Japanese Samurai Actor Toshiro Mifune who teaming up with Akira Kurosawa made a number of classic movies The 7 Samurai, Hidden Castle, The Samurai Trilogy. The Yojimbo movies. etc. There are interviews with people he worked with his sons. A real treat is you get to meet one of the trio of actors that sided Mifune, in Kurosawa's movies he was a Samurai, in Toho studio's other movies he was the person in the Godzilla suit. You can watch it on NetFlix.

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I've seen him in several movies, and thought he was a very good actor, but I never knew he was Godzilla. I'll have to check the documentary out.
No Mifune wasn't Godzilla but Haruo Nakajima who was with Mifune in 7 Samurai, Hidden Fortress, etc.
Thanks for the heads up on this one, had not heard of it and will seek it out. Also starred in the great kurasawa film Rashomon.
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