My new Listening Room, where should the damping fabric go?


Well-Known Member
My Den in the basement took on a minor amount of water in a storm last month. No damage whatsoever but it did make my wife and I tear up the old rug that was in there and get off our duffs and start to expand the room. The old room was 13.5' x 13.5'.

By taking down a wall we will expand the room into a 21' by 13.5' space. The old room was bright in that there were windows on the west wall and paneling on the other three walls. The carpet did not do much to damp the sound (very thin with no real padding) and while the ceiling with acoustic tiles at 7.5' did have some absorption, the room is bright. The new room is bigger and with a ceramic tile floor, it will even be even brighter.

But I can make one wall a fabric/trap wall because we are not going to have enough vintage paneling to do the expansion. So which wall is the fabric trap wall? The west is the windows and paneling under 3.5". the east will be paneling and doors, the south wall where the expansion will be and where the stereo gear and the speakers will be facing out from, and the north wall which is paneled now (and where the sound waves will be hitting).

I'm pretty sure that this is the wall (north) I want to make drywall with fabric over that and maybe some traps over that, but this necessitates demoing another wall. I'm ok with that but want to make sure that you all agree before I commence the demo.
So in agreement that the wall directly opposite where the speakers are firing from is where damping should occur? Thanks. Mike
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You probably want damping fabric (rather than dampening):), since you don't want to make things wetter than they already are.
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