The "Almost a Catchphrase" Game

DeBeers- A Diaper is Forever.

Some disassembly, reassembly, major adjustments and destruction required.

Batteries not required, but included anyway for no apparent reason.

100% dissatisfaction guaranteed

Do not take before operating a vending machine.

Possible side effects include turning into a giant grasshopper. If you turn into a giant grasshopper, sucks to be you.
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Liberty Mutual Insurance - You'll have a great time at our office when Liberty sniffs the glue. Liberty sniffs the glue.
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Apprentice: You're Inspired!
Friends: How you screwin'?
Superman: Look! Up in the sky. It's a turd. It's a plane. It's pooperman!
Seinfeld: No poop for you!
STNG: Make it flow.
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