Write a Limerick

Spaghetti sauce makes my head hurt.
I'm careful but it gets on my shirt.
Try to remove the stain
It can be a real pain
If you also add on some dessert.

Inspired in part by the music and words of Have Gun Will Travel: Theme of Paladin
Admittedly the TV show was before my time, but not by much. No offense intended to all the great women-folk AK'ers out there. This one is for you too.

Have song will listen in The Cave of a 'man
Beverage of choice in the palm of the hand
Where we sit in the spot so sweet
Raise a glass to the rumblin' beat
Proudly toast A Kinship shared across this land

"Have gun will travel, reads the card of a man"
I find the first line of the this vintage theme song a particularly relevant metaphor in today's society. That something's been lost.

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Today's International Mother's Day
So don't let your chance slip away.
See what you can do
With a present or two
Expressing love in a nicely way.


Sorry for stealing half of your Limerick! :D


Retribution is something you should not fear
For repeating words that I wrote here.
You've succeeded in your intent
To express a splendid sentiment,
And imitation is flattery most sincere.
Memorial Day 2017

Always I'll owe the fallen a defrayal of debt
Who fought for me with neither persuasion nor regret
I rather humbly say thank you
I pray you watch over me too
Am I worthy of the freedom you've sown that I've spent?

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There once was a witch in Khartoum
Who got tired of her old-fashioned broom.
But you've never seen her
On her new vacuum cleaner,
For the line cord will reach just one room.
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