MC2105 Meters


Active Member
Hi Guys!!
I've noticed that when I have the gains on my 2105 at 12:00, the left and right meters don't quite match up to each other. They're not far off, but it bugs me a little. Is that normal, or should I adjust one of them to match the other? Thanks in advance!! Cheers!!
If they both rest at or are close to the vertical mark at the far left hand of the meter scale with the amp off then don't worry too much about it. There is an adjustment for each meter for the rest position (mechanical) as well as the +3dB position (electrical).

You can use a 1kHz test tone at a low volume (speakers OFF) to check the location of each meter with respect to one another. This doesn't necessarily mean they need calibrated if they don't read identical as your source or preamp may be the culprit by outputting less voltage into either channel. This is easy to determine with a DMM set to measure AC Volts connected directly to the RCA cables with said test tone.
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