Yamaha CR-400 Help. Absolutely No Lights


Active Member
Ive had this receiver for a little bit of time now. The lights never worked on it so I replaced the lights when I first got it, but they still didn't work. Recently tried it again because I thought maybe my soldering skills were lacking when I first tried. Still nothing. The power indicator light doesn't come on either. I used 12v 60ma bulbs and replaced all 4 bulbs (3 meter lights and 1 tuner dial light).

I used a voltage meter and get no reading from the posts where the wires for the bulbs lead to.

The meter pointers move while tuning and it plays sound just fine. Just the lights aren't functioning.

Any Ideas? Im not very savvy when it comes to electrical circuits so be kind and patient, please. Thanks in advance.
Ive had this receiver for a little bit of time now. The lights never worked on it so I replaced the lights when I first got it, but they still didn't work. Recently tried it again because I thought maybe my soldering skills were lacking when I first tried. Still nothing. The power indicator light doesn't come on either. I used 12v 60ma bulbs and replaced all 4 bulbs (3 meter lights and 1 tuner dial light).

I used a voltage meter and get no reading from the posts where the wires for the bulbs lead to.

The meter pointers move while tuning and it plays sound just fine. Just the lights aren't functioning.

Any Ideas? Im not very savvy when it comes to electrical circuits so be kind and patient, please. Thanks in advance.

Do any LEDs light up ? There is one fusible resistor for the dial ponter lamp (FR702 - 4Ω@ 300ma). But.. If the rest of the lamps aren't work'n. You either have a broken wire or a bad transformer winding. The tie points for the lamps are directly fed by and 11 or 12 volt AC winding off the power transformer.
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