Viable Replacement for YPAO Calibration Mic?


New Member

I have a Yamaha RX-V1400 AV receiver lacking the calibration microphone. I know that they are still available new for 20 or 30 bucks, but will pretty much any halfway decent omnidirectional mic with a 1/8 plug work for the purpose?

Thanks for any interest!

For the $20-30 cost of the correct mic, I'd just buy one and call it a day. You would be hard pressed to find any decent mic for $30, even on the used market, and then you have the issue of actual calibration. Way too much potential for aggravation and calibration error to be worrying about $30.

BTW--consider yourself lucky at $30--the calibrated mic for my dbx DriveRack is $100 on a good day.
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