What were your first set of headphones, and let's hear the story behind them.

AKG K240 (600 ohm) Monitors Austrian made. No interesting story, just went to Leechmere's and bought them sometime around the mid 1980's.
Bought a pair of these from a store called crazy eddie in the 70's. Talked them down to $50. Still have them and still sound good.
Koss pro 4AA when I bought my first serious Marantz 2230 Receiver. still have them and still have my 2nd set of headphones Yamaha HP-2 my wife got me for Christmas a year later.
Cheap-o transistor radio sized 2.5 ~3" speaker drivers in 1970, of unknown/remembered manufacture !
Juliette brand maybe !
I didn`t know any SQ better, but provided me with my isolation & solitude music listening without bothering my bat eared anti-R&R music straight laced and hyper conservative old school engineer father, unlike trying using the speakers that came with my first all in one POS cheapo stereo that I inexpensively bought used from a HS mate, after he upgraded .
Cheap-o transistor radio sized 2.5 ~3" speaker drivers in 1970, of unknown/remembered manufacture !
Juliette brand maybe !
I didn`t know any SQ better, but provided me with my isolation & solitude music listening without bothering my bat eared anti-R&R music straight laced and hyper conservative old school engineer father, unlike trying using the speakers that came with my first all in one POS cheapo stereo that I inexpensively bought used from a HS mate, after he upgraded .

It's amazing how thoroughly horrible some of those old headphones were. I have a pair I use for testing gear, and it's just incredibly bad sound.
Koss Pro4AA! Sounded better than any speakers I could afford. I did try a Koss electrostatic pair (ESP9?) and those were pretty impressive. I also owned a pair of 'Red Devils', not bad for a seriously inexpensive set.
I had a pair of Koss 707 or similar number. They were beige with brown pads. I can't believe I actually tried them on. And yet, I still bought them. Were like a bench vise. Couldn't stand them for long. Don't remember how they sounded.
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AKG K240 (600 ohm) Monitors Austrian made. No interesting story, just went to Leechmere's and bought them sometime around the mid 1980's.

This was my first pair too, or at least the first pair I bought. I'm pretty sure I used something from my dad at home.

I tested them against Sennheiser and some others in about 1984 and bought them because they sounded good but were more comfortable. They still are! Yes, I have them still 40 years later!
My first were the Sennheiser HD250's. Soon after buying my Luxman R-117 and JBL 240 Ti's... I realized that living in an apartment at the time would require an alternative sound source at times. My neighbors were happy with my decision...well except for that one night around 2AM when I was jammin on my headphones and forgot to turn the JBL's off. I didnt notice until after the second song started and I leaned back and felt the wall vibrating. I was like...that shouldnt be happening. I jumped up and shut everything down and just waited in silence for the cops to show up. Nobody showed up...I got lucky that night. The next morning I taped an apology note on the mailboxes.

Still going strong 34 years later. I do need to get the pads replaced though...

This place also sold McIntosh...I spent a little time in their listening room drooling...
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