So, we meet again...


squanto was a fool
Can't remember the last time I was actually active on the forum, I found myself pursuing other interests, but we're moving back to my home town to a new house that at the very least is going to require I re-foam the assortment of speakers I kept during the great purge if I want sound where I want sound, and in the process of packing up everything, I remembered Audio Karma and hey, still have an account. We won't tell my wife my plans for the already finished basement, she just knows we bought the Advent surround speakers that were installed, I figure since this is our last move and our last home, a little indulgence in acquiring a few good pieces I can enjoy finally might be in order.
Welcome back after a long hiatus to AK.

And...we will keep your secret about the basement!;) Just let us know when the cat's outta the bag.

Is Boone your hometown or where you're moving from? If so where's the hometown? I was born I your neck of the woods, Webster City. Welcome back to AK.
Yep, both my wife and I were raised in Fort Dodge, we moved from the area in 95, just moved back in August, still unpacking. Oddly my wife and sister in law own a restaurant in Webster City, Whoop Di Doos next to the chamber offices, they own the whole building with apartments on top they're working on, things are looking up for WC with the Prestige project in EG.
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